22 / 01 / 2025  |  
Haz tu busqueda...

Store and Pub-Store


The idea is to come "from farm to customer" so that all stages are controlled by our company. This way the middlemen are avoied and we get a greater benefit, achieving greater profitability.

To facilitate the sale of some of the products we build six shops and 6 shops/bar in different parts of Spain and Portugal, preferably in large population centers.

These establishments have a dual purpose, because besides selling the company's products directly to consumers, they serve as a tourist information points on the territory of the EGTC Duero-Douro out of this.

The shops will measure 72 m2 and the shops/bar 150 m2.In these establishments will work 18 people, of which 12 are operators and 6 cooks.

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+ La AECT Duero-Douro abre en Robleda la primera explotación caprina del proyecto Self Prevention



+ Self Prevention Employment Opportunities

+ Sesión Informativa en Hermisende (Zamora)

+ Briefing on Sabugal (30/Janeiro 15h)

+ Completes the first phase of land valuation

+ Firsts visits of the technical team for land asse

+ Unanimous support to the Self-Prevention project

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